Vitamin Pills

Many supplements on the market today lack quality, potency and purity. Do not rely on over-the-counter products that have not been clinically tested or certified. Ask us about our clinical grade supplements and nutritional protocols. Dr. Gus recommends METAGENICS, STANDARD PROCESS, & DR. SCHULZE'S American Botanical Formulas. Call our office for more information.

We provide specialized protocols for:

  • Sports Performance (muscle strength, endurance, fat loss)
  • Pregnancy (prenatal vitamins, Folic Acid, DHA)
  • Illnesses (diabetes, cancer, heart problems, fibromyalgia, fatigue)
  • Diet related conditions (overweight, digestive issues, deficiencies)
  • Injury/Age (joint support, hormonal support, anti-aging, menopause)
  • Detox/Cleanse (remove toxins, promote healthy elimination) Prevention/Wellness (food based nutrition, antioxidants)


Metagenics offers a full range of nutritional supplements that are backed by years of science. Call our office or order online using the link below. Use practitioner code: DrGus.

Go to Metagenics Website

Standard Process

Standard Process offers whole food dietary supplements for all ages and conditions. We supply the full product line. Call our office to order.


Dr. Gus is a member of the Paleo Physicians Network as well as the Primal Docs association which helps educate people on the importance of eating healthy to maximize genetic potential. The primal/paleo lifestyle is used by many CrossFit athletes, strength and endurance athletes, as well as non-athletes looking to improve their health, energy, and fat loss through proper eating. This lifestyle consists of consuming good proteins, vegetables, fruits, good fats, nuts and seeds, while avoiding toxins and insulin releasing foods linked to obesity and degenerative diseases that are so prevalent in today's society.


Dr. Gus was a member of the late Dr. William Kelley cancer metabolic group, one of the most successful natural cancer practitioners to date. Dr. Kelley helped over 33,000 stage 4 terminal cancer patients nutritionally. Dr. Gus knows the value of nutritional protocols and how they can help patients struggling with cancer. For more information on the Kelley metabolic protocol and the value of pancreatic enzymes, please contact us today!

Newport Beach Chiropractic & Wellness